
Sequelae trauma symptom checklist for children
Sequelae trauma symptom checklist for children

Childhood Physical Abuse was related to PTS-Intrusion, PTS-Arousal, PTS-Total, and Dissociation and Witnessing Domestic Violence was related to PTS-Intrusions, PTS-Avoidance, PTS-Arousal, and PTS Total, and negatively associated with Sexual Concerns (Briere et al., 2001). Specifically, childhood sexual abuse was associated with ratings of Posttraumatic Stress (PTS)-Intrusion, PTS-Avoidance, and PTS-Total, as well as Sexual Concerns. After controlling for child sex, age, and race (at Step 1) several relationships were found between type of abuse exposure and TSCYC symptomatology.

sequelae trauma symptom checklist for children sequelae trauma symptom checklist for children

Association with childhood abuse/trauma: Hierarchical multiple regression analyses of TSCYC scale scores were performed for those subjects who had complete data on demographics, childhood sexual abuse, physical abuse, and witnessing domestic violence (n=104).

Sequelae trauma symptom checklist for children